About Us

PetCarrierVerdict.com – We write about all things pet-care related – from pet travel tips to a wide range of pet related topics.

Every Type of Pet, Every Type of Pet Carrier

Whether a feline friend or canine chum, for pets, any type of travel can be incredibly distressing. So, although our site is called PetCarrierVerdict.com, the truth is there’s far more involved in calming the nerves of our pets than just buying the best pet carrier.

For this reason, we’re committed to creating in-depth guides that address many elements of every-day life and international (or domestic) travel, such as why pets get sick while traveling, and how to prevent travel anxiety in dogs.

While our inspiration for this site began with air travel, we review pet carriers in all their forms – from strollers for small dogs, to taking on a trek with a cat in a backpack.

Flying with a Pet – Where it all Began

A Word from our Founder, Writer, and Editor – Lou Carter

Louise“I set up PetCarrierVerdict.com after one particularly stressful journey with Benny – my elderly Border Colley. While our flight was a short one, traveling interstate from Washington D.C. to New York, Benny was clearly in distress upon landing.

Being a lifelong dog owner, I spotted the warning signs of a fractured leg quickly.

I sought veterinary help after we’d made it through the other side of the airport. As for the cause of his injury? The vet was sure it was his hard, plastic pet carrier. Perhaps during take-off, turbulence or touch down.

The main thing was that he was OK (if only a guide on choosing a carrier for an older dog had existed back then!). Benny turned out to be just fine. But things could have been very, very different.

After that experience, I was determined to create an online center of resources – guiding and advising pet owners in looking after their beloved animals while traveling (and far beyond). The result is the website you see before you today.”

Beyond Pet Carriers: From Toilet Training to Behavior

We are a nation of animal lovers – with 68% of all U.S. households (around 85 million families) owning a pet, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

We all go to great lengths to take care of our pets, but often their behaviors can beguile us (such as when your family dog starts peeing on your bed or suddenly becomes afraid to go out).

Alongside these behaviors, there is a long list of symptoms that can leave us scratching our heads (and holding our noses) – from canine gas and bloating to bad breath (worse than usual, that is).

With so many unknowns and concerns about our cats and dogs, our job is to provide comprehensive advice and proven tips. We’ll continue to create content in a bid to answer every question and pet problem there is. It might take us a while, but we’re confident we’ll get there in the end.

Our Mission

According to the Department of Transportation, 24 pets died flying on U.S. carriers last year. That’s 24 too many.

Whether jetting off on vacation or flying away to a new life abroad, our mission is to make traveling safer, less stressful and more comfortable for your pet pal. It’s simple.

Our Vision

Like a dog with a bone, we’re very determined to uncover all of the answers. So, our vision is to become the number one source of support and advice for pet travel. Once we’ve done that, then we’ll set our sights on being the go-to place for pet advice on health and well-being. Want to join our mission? Learn how to write for us here!