Dog Behavioral Problems

Dogs do crazy things sometimes. Unexpected things that surprise us. In this section we try to understand why dogs do what they do. If you are wondering about your dogs eating habits, bathroom habits, or emotions, this is the section where these topics are addressed.

Will my dog forgive me?
Dog Behavioral Problems

Will my dog forgive me?

We love our dogs, but sometimes we regret how we treat them – either because we’re tired and grumpy, or we’ve lost our temper at something they’ve done. We yell at them, the dog shrinks away, we feel terrible and we’re full of apologies. What can we do to stop […]

how to get your dog to stop eating socks
Dog Behavioral Problems

My Dog Ate A Sock!

Dogs will eat or chew just about anything they can find. As alien as the idea may be to us, a human sock is a gourmet treat to some dogs. If you forget to remove your worn socks from Fido’s reach, they may end up in Fido’s belly. This guide […]